5 Best Podcasts I Highly Recommend

By Jamie - November 20, 2017

5 Best Podcasts I Highly Recommend

1.  The Minimalists

If you’re sick of consumerism, and things you own overwhelms you, this podcast is for you. You will realise you don’t need buy every single thing you see to feed your greed. There were many great quotes you can live by from this podcast. One of the favourite quotes is

Minimalism is the thing that gets us past the things so we can make room for life's important things—which actually aren't things at all.” – The Minimalists

2. Pardon My French by Garance Dore

I love it when Garance Dore discuss about somewhat taboo and everyday stuff with her friends like period and money. She also interviewed some successful people and I feel quite inspired listening to her podcast.

.   3.   Vibrant Happy Woman

Women empowerment, enough said. Dr. Jen will interview successful women and occasionally men, and share their experiences. I love how she asks what it takes to be a vibrant happy woman.

4.  Monocycle with Leandra Medine

If you’ve read the ManRepeller blog, you will know who is Leandra Medine. Love this podcast for being shared on the random thoughts she had throughout her day.

5.  At Home with

This podcast is hosted by Lily Pebbles and Anna Newton, also known as the anna edit on Youtube and her blog. This podcast however has only 10 episodes, but each and everyone of them are worth listening. 

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