September Favourites

By Jamie - September 30, 2017

It's Saturday 30th September 2017

Where has the time gone? It feels like yesterday when I was in Korea. Those short 10 days was one of the best experiences I had. You must be wondering which picture I took that I liked the most? Well, no doubt it will be this.

Can I go back?
Technically, the photo is not me who took it, it's Chong Wei. If you want to see more, you can head over here.

Anyway this whole blog post is not about the Korea trip, it's about the products I've used so far and LOVED.

September Favourites 

I've recently discovered the brand Avené. It's from Paris and luckily I can get my hands on them from Watsons. Sunscreen and lipbalm is an essential for all around humid and hot weather where we are constantly exposed to UV. Besides, I will never ever skip putting on sunscreen in my skincare routine. I was told not to rely on tinted moisturiser with spf, it won't work as well as how sunscreen would. The Khiels, ughhh.. how was I not told on this product earlier? It leaves your skin filling matte and tight. It helps to control shine on your face throughout the day. You wouldn't want to have a shiny nose at the end of the day right? Usually, right after I've washed my face, I will apply the product on a cotton pad, you only need 2-3 drops! I got this from the airport after I got back from Korea *sniff*.

Moving on to Lotions and Oils.

Vaseline, Argon oil, Bio-oil, and Atomy.

I'm now constantly exposed to air conditioning. It's sucking the moisture out of my skin! Lotion is a must! Right after I apply the Khiels product, I will apply the lotion from Atomy. Believe me, this product is really really good!!! I can vouch on that! I'm kind of germaphobe, and I kind of constantly washing my hand with soap especially I got off the public bus or before I eat. I do not want to make it a habit to constantly apply lotion, so I only restrict myself by only applying at night and before I leave home. 

I've heard many reviews online on how argon oil is good for your hair, so I got one myself and have been using it ever since. I apply it after I washed my hair. 

The bio oil is used especially on scars, I do enjoy using it on my acne scars and it won't clog your pores. It does have a scent and I kind of like it. 

That's it for today, stay tuned for more.

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