Monkey Beach, Penang

By Jamie - May 02, 2021

Hi there,

I’ve been trying to be more active lately, trying to move more, hence decided to visit the ever so famous Monkey Beach. I went on a Sunday morning, 2nd of May.

I’ve eaten breakfast before the start of the hike. I start hiking at around 8:30am.

Here is the trail of the hike. I don’t know what superhuman Google uses that hikes less than an hour. 
It took me around 2 hours to reach Monkey Beach, which means I reach there around 11am

Here is me beginning of the hike, all ready. 

Here is what I brought that I found useful during the hike
  • Water 
  • Cooling wet wipes you can get here
  • Umbrella/ small towel/ cap
  • SPF 
  • Hand sanitizer 
  • Phone/ GPS
Here are the items I wish I had with me
  • Mosquito repellent 
  • Trash bag to keep my trash
Here are the optional items
  • Walking sticks?? I just pick up the ones from the forest 
  • Snacks but gotta watch out for macaques 
  • Paw paw ointment
Hike was refreshing, a break from the city life. 

The sound of the waves are something, ain’t it?

Till next time,

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