How to register ‘Buku Pink’

By Jamie - February 08, 2022

Hi friends,

I know it has been a very long time since I’ve updated, let’s save if for another day. Today, I would like to share my experience with new mothers, like me who have zero idea on how to registering the pink book and has been scouring the internet looking for answers. Like you, I wish someone has written on their experience registering the pink book. Here you go.

First of all what is a pink book? Honestly I didn’t do much research myself and I will only be explaining based on my knowledge, please don’t take my word or quote me blindly. Pink book/ Buku Pink is a copy of all your details throughout your pregnancy. Everything a doctor or nurse need to know about you and your pregnancy is in it. Doesn’t really matter if it’s not your usual doctor, they can trace back through your pink book. Red book, is a exact copy of your pink book that’s kept by the hospital.

Now, how to register? That’s the golden question. Now, during Covid, you have to call the clinic to make an appointment. No walk in allowed. I thought booking through BookDoc app is sufficient, the clinic however does not accept that to register your pink book. So the only way is to call or go to the clinic to make an appointment.

Which clinic? Only find the nearest klinik kesihatan to where you live. Clinic that is outside your district they will not accept you. Now, that you know what you need to do and which clinic and got your appointment, Woohoo!! What next?

What to bring to your appointment? 
1. Your IC. Make sure your IC address corresponds with where you live.
2.  Your water bill. If your ic address differs from where you live.
3.  Bring your marriage certificate, they need to fill in the details in your pink book. 
4. Cash, RM1 to register
5. Your ultrasound. If you had follow up on private clinic and have a copy of your ultrasound, bring them.
6. Any notes made by your doctor when you follow up in private clinic.
7. Your phone, to open your app and track when was your last period and also check in through MySejahtera. 
8. Your husband. Why? Cause he needs to get blood drawn to test for HIV.

You all must be wondering, if you’re working, do you need to apply leave? Unfortunately, yes. So does your husband, if he works. You won’t be given MC, only timeslip. It depends on your company whether timeslip is considered as MC, I don’t know how your company works, you’re on your own on that part.

Now you have all that sorted, it’s your appointment day! What should you expect? I reached at 9:30am
1. Come at least 15-20min early to avoid unforeseen circumstances. 
2. Go to the counter, register and get your number, make sure you keep them and pay RM 1. Go to Klinik ibu and Anak counter, tell the nurse you had your appointment and want to register pink book.
3. Now, here’s where the stuff you prepared comes in handy, whatever details the nurse asks, give accordingly with what you have prepared.
4. Next, the nurse will draw your blood and your husbands blood to do further tests. The nurse will explain to you much better than I am on what are tests to be done. After your husband had his blood drawn, he can leave but not you. 
5. Bring your pink book together with your blood sample to the lab in the clinic. Leave the book and the blood sample in the tray. Wait to be called to get your urine tested, and leave it on a different tray. Wait again to get your pink book back and pass to the counter to see the doctor. 
6. Now, it depends whether you are able to see the doctor, I was told I was only able to see the doctor for about 4 times only and throughout my pregnancy was only attended by the nurse.
7. Now that you’ve seen your doctor, depends on what the doctor tells you next.
8. Get back to the klinik ibu dan anak, pass your book to fix your next appointment. Now that you’re done, you’re ready to go home!

This took me a few hours, from 9:30 am -12 pm with minimal wait time. But it can be quick for you or may take longer time due to the waiting. Good luck!

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