Hi friends,

See you next time,
I’m here yet again to pour out my pity feelings, I have no one else to turn to except to you all. As mentioned in the title, I ignored all the signs that tells me not to dig further, and now I’m in a rabbit hole, exhausted and hurt. Yes, women’s intuitions are powerful, yet I chose to suppress them, give myself false pretence to validity my feelings. But, here I am. I’ve discovered the truth, my wound is still raw and red and swollen. I wasn’t surprised but the little hope inside me yearn for the opposite. Why? Why do I do this to myself? I need time to recover, I need strength to move on. So here I am, loving myself, getting healthier. I want to choose me, I want to love every nook and crevices of my body.
I hope you see that too.
See you next time,
Hopefully then I’ve learned to accept the truth, though broken but it will always be a part of my life.