Hi friends,

See you next time,
I’m here yet again to pour out my pity feelings, I have no one else to turn to except to you all. As mentioned in the title, I ignored all the signs that tells me not to dig further, and now I’m in a rabbit hole, exhausted and hurt. Yes, women’s intuitions are powerful, yet I chose to suppress them, give myself false pretence to validity my feelings. But, here I am. I’ve discovered the truth, my wound is still raw and red and swollen. I wasn’t surprised but the little hope inside me yearn for the opposite. Why? Why do I do this to myself? I need time to recover, I need strength to move on. So here I am, loving myself, getting healthier. I want to choose me, I want to love every nook and crevices of my body.
I hope you see that too.
See you next time,
Hopefully then I’ve learned to accept the truth, though broken but it will always be a part of my life.
Hi there,

Here is me beginning of the hike, all ready.
Here is what I brought that I found useful during the hike

I’ve been trying to be more active lately, trying to move more, hence decided to visit the ever so famous Monkey Beach. I went on a Sunday morning, 2nd of May.
I’ve eaten breakfast before the start of the hike. I start hiking at around 8:30am.
Here is the trail of the hike. I don’t know what superhuman Google uses that hikes less than an hour.
It took me around 2 hours to reach Monkey Beach, which means I reach there around 11am
Here is me beginning of the hike, all ready.
Here is what I brought that I found useful during the hike
- Water
- Cooling wet wipes you can get here
- Umbrella/ small towel/ cap
- Hand sanitizer
- Phone/ GPS
Here are the items I wish I had with me
- Mosquito repellent
- Trash bag to keep my trash
Here are the optional items
- Walking sticks?? I just pick up the ones from the forest
- Snacks but gotta watch out for macaques
- Paw paw ointment
Hike was refreshing, a break from the city life.
The sound of the waves are something, ain’t it?
Till next time,
Hi friends,
It’s April. How the first quarter has flown by? It’s still a tough year for me.
Yes, I maybe going through shyt right now, but I need to take care of me sometimes too. We are the ones who make those life choices. To remain where you are or move.

Till next time,
So here is a reminder for you to workout.
I try my best to workout once a week but life isn’t perfect and it’s ok. At least we try.
Till next time,
Choose the life you want
Choose who you want to spend your life with
Choose the one who supports
Choose the one who loves you for who you are
Choose your passion
I choose to grow
I choose me
How was your chinese new year? what did you do? All I did was devouring all the CNY cookies. hehe.
and here is me holding two oranges for the first day. LOL
It is safe to say that I hunted for Magnum Mini for close to 3 weeks, but to no avail. Magnum if you're reading this, please stock up on all grocery stores in Penang please!
I got slightly burnt out, (emphasis on the slight) and took leave on the 8th day of CNY. On my day off, I spent my time spot cleaning my nook, washed the pillow cases (here is a reminder for you to wash your pillow cases every two weeks) cleaned the bathroom, and enjoy a coffee after ehhehe.
I ended the day by dropping by at the mall. Hunted for Magnum Minis again and couldn't find any :(
I decided to record my lil adventure and I uploaded my first vlog!
Thank you for dropping by,
see you on my next post. 😁
Hello friends,
Sneak peak of my makeup look, hehe
It's Sunday, last day of the month of January, whew, the month has flown by and it is officially the end of January.
Yesterday, I had a late night video call with my high-school besties cause we are at different parts of the world now and obviously, the pandemic, we can't even meet, but so glad we had the call to catch up.
This morning, I took the time to do some reading and felt good to establish my new weekend morning routine. hehe.
of course, not to forget my morning coffee. I usually only had it on weekends, to decrease my caffeine intake. HAHA
Then I get the bedsheet washed, and my clothes ready to be ironed, haha the usual weekend tasks.
I got bored in the afternoon and decided to get my makeup done. here are some pics of my makeup look, and make sure to check the video I just uploaded.
Then I wanted to get the Magnum Minis in AEON, but I couldn't find any! 😕I guess I gotta come back next time. Anyways, that's all from me for now.
See you on my next post!
Love yourself first
Be yourself first
Be happy with who you are
Be confident with what you have
Do not doubt yourself
Do not put other peoples opinions about you over yourself
One day, you will attract what’s right for you
Nothing will stop you
Words that came out from someone’s mouth will not linger in the back of your mind
People that loves you wants what’s best for you
Do not force yourself doing what you don’t like
It is your life, seize it
Be patient. Your person will wait at the door knocking. And you will know he is the one.
It’s 12:54 am. Hi friends
Happy New Year
I can’t sleep so I decided to talk to you guys here.
My anxiety is getting the best of me now, that’s why I couldn’t sleep. I wish sometimes I’m satisfied and happy where I’m at in life. I know I’m blessed but it isn’t enough to suppress my anxiety
If you can’t sleep, and you’re awake like I am or you just need someone to confide, you know where to find me.
Your friend,